Saturday, December 18, 2010

This truly was part of my learning.

NOEL SOTO is a Spanish singer that wrote "Mi Cancion" probably in the 70's. I was kind of looking for some relaxing music and i found this song, so... I couldn't stop hearing this song for like "quite some time" and I just felt really identified with every single word in the lyrics, so I'm posting the English translation of the lyrics and the video of the song (sorry the video is in spanish :P). Enjoy!



I walk

Without looking back
My life so far...
I try to forget...
Each sunrise...
I have to delete.
Tracks of a past,
That will not return
The soul is… I was running away from loneliness…
My heart took seriously what was only a joke and between dales, gives and takes
I’m just with my song..!
That woman, all taught me.
She was more than Professor Sir
Then lost her without knowing why
And what I suffered, I will never forget
I believed that never again I would fall in love
But life kept me more surprises, joys and sorrows to the beat of my song..!
I feel reborn deep inside me, the illusion of peace, and the faith lost. 
When the sun raises everything will change with another lesson, and I’ll start again
Tomorrow I’ll sleep in the hotel “happiness” and the baggage I carry is a suitcase full of hopes
If that does not reach me it will arrive with my song.

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